Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Randoms on a Friday afternoon

It's raining outside and my cat is curled up on a cushion next to me. I'm watching reruns of Junior Masterchef - talk about overachievers.. an 8 year old who can cook a perfect chocolate fondant? I spent all day every day in the South African Masterchef kitchen shooting stills and I still disappoint myself with watery quiches every now and then. So much for information osmosis huh? Anyway,well watching the future Gordon Ramsay's of Australia I stumbled upon this edit which was destined for facebook, twitter, a blog, a website, someone's wall.. who can remember. But I like em. So they can stay.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Children's shoots

What do you get when you mix balloons, cupcakes, a very expensive horse and a bouncy labrador and 3 gorgeous girls? THESE pics. I had fun. And i am happy to say I am now offering offbeat documentary styled childrens shoots. Please email me at lisaskinn@gmail.com for a customised quote.